Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A guide to home cooking

Here it goes.

As most of you know, i graduated from Johnson and Whales, so food has quite literally been my life for the past five years, yes that is a drop in the bucket, but none the less, I've been a slave to the food industry for what seems like eternity. Ill be the first to admit it hasn't always been sunshine and flowers. 

This blog is for the home cook, who quite frankly feels overwhelmed by the idea of cooking, i mean lets get real, you have to find a recipe (this involves research, considering what people will like and will your family even eat it, so not such an easy task).

Then you have to go shopping for everything you need (now if you're like me, this is the worst part, I've been spoiled with my groceries getting dropped off, but for the average person this is just torture) Then you have to unload all those groceries, and somehow muster up enough energy to THEN cook. Geeze. No wonder americans hate cooking, can you blame them? 

Here is one suggestion, if you can afford it, and quite frankly, if grocery shopping is keeping you from cooking then this is a splurge that would be worth it. You can shop online, and just pick it up, did you hear that? Everything is already ready for you, no more back tracking down the same isle twelve times, no more running to the back of the store for milk. 

Here is my second tip, let me back track for a second ( i am going to rant here for a minute, shows like Rachel Ray, are not your friend, she tries to be so different, and unique and in doing so makes the home cook feel inadequate) KEEP IT SIMPLE! Im telling you making a lasagna in a crock pot is not a good idea. You need to take time to understand the basics before you can realize what will work for you and your cooking style. Don't fret, thats why i am here, to help you understand why things work and why somethings no matter how many times you try are disastrous. 

In REAL life there are three questions home cooks should ask before diving into a recipe.
1) Will i first and foremost enjoy eating this. This seems like a 'duh' moment but you would be surprised.
2) Do i have the right equipment to pull this off? Read through your recipe before you get started, this will help you down the road. 
3) Are the ingredients accessible, the last thing you wanna do is be running from grocery store to grocery store looking for celeriac root or almond flour.

So, i hope i have convinced you to continue reading my blog as we dive into do's and don't of cooking. We will be looking at specific recipes and ingredients that might surprise you are easier than you think. 

If you have questions, or would like me to talk about a specific issue or ingredient please leave a comment and i would love to answer as best i can. 

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