Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The struggle is real

The struggle is absolutely real. 

Its that feeling of working out, but not getting results. You feel defeated and all you want to do is lay on the couch watch Netflix and eat Oreos.

What is the key to success? Some might say, perseverance, or determination. I think its what we are lacking instead, focus. We try to be "great" at too many things and so we are not good at any one thing. We are stretched too thin, and that leaves us feeling like we cant do anything. For me sometimes, (if i'm being honest, all the time) I look at all I don't know, and instead of chipping away a little at a time, I lose all hope of ever knowing or being good at anything. Instead of setting goals I get discouraged before I even decide to do something.  

Im drowning in this pool of self loathing and fear. Fear of man, Fear of failure and fear of being unsuccessful.

Mistakes will eat at your soul and tell you, you are worthless. They seep in when you are most vulnerable, most defeated. The struggle is real, but you have to fight apathy, you have to say "No, I deserve better, I am not a waste"

So this new year might not look different to a stranger, or even to people who know me, but each day I will reset, not looking at yesterday, or even my whole week of falling short, but at today. I will pray to my heavenly father for a reminder that He loves me the same and His love is unconditional.

I will celebrate the wins. And learn from the mistakes.

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